LHSC: Victoria Hospital

insideLHSC: The evolution of Lawson's kidney research

In the 150 years since Canada’s Confederation, Lawson Health Research Institute (Lawson) - the research institute of London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC) and St. Joseph's Health Care London - has achieved numerous national and world firsts in hospital-based research. One is the development of the...

Genetic testing rates for ovarian cancer low across Ontario

Less than seven per cent of Ontario women with the most common type of ovarian cancer were seen for genetics consultation within two years of diagnosis, despite its high potential for life-saving benefits, a new cohort study has shown. Women at the highest risk of developing high-grade serous...

Donors invest in crucial cancer research technology

A small group of generous individuals donated $200,000 toward cutting-edge technology that’s significantly improved the capabilities of the Translational Ovarian Cancer Research Team at Lawson Health Research Institute. The IncuCyte Zoom is able to analyze the growth of dozens of patient cancer...

Donation seeks to increase cancer research capacity

The Gerald C. Baines Foundation recently announced that it has committed a total of $1.5 million in hopes of inspiring the public in reaching the $3 million needed to expand the capabilities of the Gerald C. Baines Centre for Translational Cancer Research. To reach that goal, the Baines Foundation...

Discovery has potential to improve therapies for cancer and other diseases

The Retinoblastoma protein (pRB) has long been studied for its role in cell growth and the prevention of cancer. In a new Lawson Health Research Institute study, scientists have discovered that pRB plays another, larger role with the potential to enhance therapies for cancer and other diseases such...