LHSC: Victoria Hospital

Combining genetics and brain imaging to understand ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common psychiatric disorders in children. It is characterized by difficulty in paying attention and focusing, impulsivity, and an inability to sit still. ADHD begins when children are school aged and can continue into early adulthood...

Fighting delirium: Small changes have big impacts

A unique care provider team led by orthopaedic surgeons and geriatricians have come together to tackle the rates of delirium in a post-operative unit at Victoria Hospital, London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC). A first-of-its-kind research study through Lawson Health Research Institute, they are...

Improving treatment for Parkinson's disease

Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disease, meaning it affects the nervous system and worsens over time. Dopamine is a chemical that controls movement and carries signals between the nerves in the brain. Parkinson’s disease develops when the cells that typically produce dopamine die...

Taking cholesterol medication with food could reduce risk of side effects

Statins are a class of drugs prescribed to over three million Canadians each year to help lower cholesterol. While effective in reducing the risk of heart disease, statins can often cause a number of side effects such as muscle ache, pain and weakness. Current Canadian guidelines do not indicate if...