LHSC: University Hospital

London Imaging Discovery Day 2017

Tuesday June 27, 2017 will mark the 12th annual London Imaging Discovery Day, an event showcasing the best and brightest residents, fellows, and scientists Schulich Medicine & Dentistry, Medical Imaging has to offer. This year, the venue will be at The Sumner Auditorium, London Health Sciences...

Research reveals brain mechanisms behind defensive responses in PTSD

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) involves defensive responses to stress or triggers. This commonly includes active responses like irritability and aggression. However, it can also include passive responses like out-of-body experiences. In a new study, Lawson Health Research Institute’s Dr. Ruth...

New research study benefits patients waiting for liver transplants

A clinical study at University Hospital, London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC) is assessing patients who have advanced liver disease from hepatitis C (HCV). Although all these patients were identified as candidates for liver transplantation, early findings show that up to 33% of these patients can be...

Spotlight on 2016 SRF Recipients Sean Gill and Alp Sener

Lawson’s annual Strategic Research Fund (SRF) was established to fund research projects aligned with Lawson’s strategic research goals as outlined in our 2014-2018 Strategic Plan. For the 2015-2016 competition, projects were to focus primarily on “inflammation.” Winning Project: Imaging inflammation...