St. Joseph's Hospital

Lawson Imaging attracts youth to medical research

Dr. Donna Goldhawk, an imaging scientist at Lawson Health Research Institute (Lawson), is providing a unique and valuable learning experience to senior high school students. Since 2009, she has accepted students to train in her hospital-based research laboratory at St. Joseph’s Health Care London in...

Dr. Miho Iijima delivers talk on role of PTEN in cancer

Dr. Miho Iijima, Associate Professor at John Hopkins School of Medicine, visited St. Joseph’s Hospital on Friday, November 17 to deliver a talk on the role of a protein called “phosphatase and tensin homolog” (PTEN) in cancer. The talk was organized by the Department of Ophthalmology. Dr. Sunil...

Tomorrow’s scientists tour Lawson research facilities

A group of senior chemistry students from H.B. Beal Secondary School visited Lawson Health Research Institute (Lawson) facilities at St. Joseph’s Hospital on Wednesday, November 8. In addition to learning about Lawson’s world-renowned imaging research, the group toured the Cyclotron and PET...